About communication and information
Friday, December 22, 2017
By Norbert Pintsch/IPC-FBTC
We constantly communicate and disseminate information in everyday life, without really thinking about what we actually do. Information from the Latin informare means: form, form, shape, educate, teach, represent, imagine something - Communication comes from Latin word communicare and means: to share, to communicate, to participate, to do together, to unite.
The spread of the terms information and communication over the Indo-European languages suggests uniformity, which are deepened in the scientific discussions, whereby the terminology is theorized and manifested, ignoring the actual diversity of linguistics in everyday life.
Ultimately, the resulting pseudo reality is seemingly insignificant, but actually the basis for all ensuing misunderstandings and conflicts.
Apparently, the theories and various explanatory patterns seem to be clear, so that they are further deepened, but in this process the understanding of basic concept disappears. The clarity of a theory turns out to be useless practice.
Labels: Prof Dr Pintsch, SEMOLiceland, SPAETcolombia, SPARC-project, SPATHcameroon, SPOCAbangladesh, SUTOLsrilanka
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:24 AM,
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