Society for the Promotion of Appropriate Technology and Housing, Cameroon

About some considerations regarding Holistic System

by Prof Pintsch / IPC, FBTC 

In various discussions concerning:  
- holistic 
- open and 
- closed system

different approaches were established. Although the foundations are the same, the arguments are different.

Out  of the nature based system with its holistic approach developed in an open system with its ever-increasing industrialization a totally fragmented way of thinking.

Tasks were increasingly more thought out with the side effect that that auxiliary factors were increasingly disregarded, which impacted the economy and led to the prevailing growth-oriented approach. This fact stands in contrast to the verbal assurances regarding environmental protection, resource protection, etc.

Growth and prosperity for all is suggested and the exploitation of the planet is forced, which affects the academic training as well. The consequences of the approach are rising costs in society and falling tax revenues, with tremendous growth of virtual money; the money supply stands in stark contrast to unproductive activities.

The closed system invariably results in a more concentrated way of thinking, which despite all differences, comes not even close to the holistic approach.

Mutation of the System

Result of fragmentation, also in field of science, in the XIX. Century, is the beginning of industrialization.

The originally holistic (complete) approach, in science the universal worldview, as it once prevailed, for example with Alexander von Humboldt, began to fragment itself increasingly.

In the German language the term "culture" as a preamble, has a special importance.

Diverse cultural factors result shape into a new culture; the influence of which can be decisive on the others.

There were times when the religion (Inquisition) was the determining factor in Europe, - nowadays it's the economy dominating with its influence - in research and science.

Faith and knowledge intersect into each other. Strong faith leads to knowledge and the knowledge becomes ignorant of how important the faith is.

Thanks to the fragmentation. a new approach developed and the holistic approach was gradually pushed back. Problems are therefore not resolved but postponed at short notice and for economic reasons; Problem shifting instead of problem solving!

Rising academic approach increases the gap between theory and practice, so that, accelerated by digitization and globalization, major structural changes occur, which affectall fields of culture.

The knowledge gained here leads in all areas invariably to eruptions and to misunderstandings, since the Digital (incl. Virtual Reality) appears to be superior to the original approach and the human intelligence with its inherent processes of complex hormonal and biochemical interactions is absolutely underestimated.

Add to that the fact that the laws of nature are valid only on this planet and the human being as subject and object at the same time is not able to come out of himself.

He is trapped in himself, while he is being altered rapidly through the technical advancement without realizing the consequences and without recognizing the changes.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:35 PM,


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